Geo Wyeth
Thursday, January 5; Friday, January 6; Saturday, January 7, 2012
Each night at 8 PM
Modern Painters review, April, 2012, reviewed by David Everitt Howe

Geo Wyeth
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY

Geo Wyeth
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY

Geo Wyeth
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY

Geo Wyeth
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY
Performance still, OUT OF BODY OW! TUF BODY, January 7, 2012
Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY